Technical specifications
En / Sk Last update: 10.8.2021


Last update: 10.8.2021

Dimensions: 970 x 250 px
Creative appears on the top of the page in Groups&Blogs, Forum and Wiki sections and as the page is scrolled, it gets gradually covered by the web content. Billboard format can be displayed only on desktop devices and tablets.

Click-through URL: Picture creatives support only one click-through URL, correctly prepared HTML5 creative can utilize multiple click-through URLs.

Formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF, HTML5, 3rd Party

Maximum creative data size: 100 kB
Large creatives take too much time to load. User may scroll away or click-through to another page before the creative is fully loaded.

HTML5 creatives: HTML5 creatives have to be prepared in accordance with our HTML5 specification. Otherwise, we can not guarantee full functionality.

Other terms and requirements: If you wish to track the number of clicks or impressions, please send us the relevant codes. For impression tracking, please send us the tracking code in 1x1 img tracking pixel format (our ad-server doesn't support javascript tracking). Please take HTTPS protocol into account during the preparation of your scripts and creatives.

The customer agrees to adhere to the technical specification of advertisement materials and agrees to deliver correctly finished advertisement materials 4 working days before the planned campaign start at the latest.

In case the advertisement materials are not received within the time frame specified in this document, the customer agrees to aliquot shortening of the fulfillment (the duration, number of ad impressions, etc.) while committing to pay the full order price.

We are not a creative agency thus we do not create campaign content (creative, texts).