Article length:
Length of the PR artice is a maximum of 5 standard pages, which means 9.000 characters including spaces.
There should be at least three links to external pages present in the text.
The article should contain at least one picture, maximum picture data size 150 kB and maximum width 624 px.
The PR article may contain a video. The video can be embedded from your Youtube or other similar account so you can track your views, or you can send us the video file itself in an MP4 format.
Tracking codes:
PR articles do not support impression tracking codes. Number of views is showed directly in the article header.
You can send us your own click tracking codes.
Other terms and requirements:
The customer agrees to adhere to the technical specification of advertisement materials and agrees to deliver correctly finished advertisement materials 4 working days before the planned campaign start at the latest.
In case the advertisement materials are not received within the time frame specified in this document, the customer agrees to aliquot shortening of the fulfillment (the duration, number of ad impressions, etc.) while commiting to pay the full order price.
We are not a creative agency thus we do not create campaign content (creative, texts).